Plot 750, Durumi, Area 1, Abuja

Website development for SMM agency

We like to build new websites especially for any kind of marketing agencies.
At this time we created a landing page for social media marketing agency.

The agency builds personal brands for entrepreneurs and corporates. We built a page with all kind of information about the service, examples of results, case studies, testimonials of old clients and pricing packages.

Client: Geat Marketing company
Category: Web development
Start date: 22 Jul 2019
Finish date: 22 Aug 2019


Centurion Information Technology Ltd is an IT Support / Web Design company that helps other businesses conduct profitable ventures online using current digital trends & tools.

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Contact info
Plot 750, Durumi, Area 1
Garki, Abuja, Nigeria

Phone:  +234 703 4863 397

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